Seksi Religi, Spiritualitas dan Psikiatri (RSP) PDSKJI yang merupakan seksi dibawah naungan PDSKJI mempunyai tugas mengkaji aspek kesehatan jiwa berbasis religi dan spiritualitas bangsa Indonesia untuk meningkatkan layanan kinerja profesionalisme psikiater di Indonesia.
Terkait permohonan dari Ketua Umum PP PDSKJI untuk mengkaji terhadap persoalan fenomena LGBT maka sikap Seksi RSP PDSKJI adalah :
Merujuk pada sikap resmi dan rekomendasi WPA ( Position Statement on Spirituality and Religion in Psychiatry) dan Section on Religion, Spirituality and Psychiatry The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO)
– A tactful consideration of patients’ religious beliefs and practices as well as their spirituality should routinely be considered and will sometimes be an essential component of psychiatric history taking.
– An understanding of religion and spirituality and their relationship to the diagnosis, etiology and treatment of psychiatric disorders should be considered as essential components of both psychiatric training and continuing professional development.
– There is a need for more research on both religion and spirituality in psychiatry, especially on their clinical applications. These studies should cover a wide diversity of cultural and geographical backgrounds.
– The approach to religion and spirituality should be person-centered. Psychiatrists should not use their professional position for proselytizing for spiritual or secular worldviews. Psychiatrists should be expected always to respect and be sensitive to the spiritual/religious beliefs and practices of their patients, and of the families and carers of their patients.
– Psychiatrists, whatever their personal beliefs, should be willing to work with leaders/members of faith communities, chaplains and pastoral workers, and others in the community, in support of the well-being of their patients, and should encourage their multi-disciplinary colleagues to do likewise.
– Psychiatrists should demonstrate awareness, respect and sensitivity to the important part that spirituality and religion play for many staff and volunteers in forming a vocation to work in the field of mental health care.
– Psychiatrists should be knowledgeable concerning the potential for both benefit and harm of religious, spiritual and secular worldviews and practices and be willing to share this information in a critical but impartial way with the wider community in support of the promotion of health and well-being.
Menimbang pada :
– Pertemuan lanjutan dari Seksi RSP PDSKJI untuk turut serta berkontribusi pada rencana penyempurnaan/revisi PPDGJ III menjadi PPDGJ IV dari perspektif religi dan spiritualitas bangsa Indonesia.
– Seksi RSP PDSKJI pada tahun 2015 beberapa kali turut menghadiri pertemuan di Ormas Perempuan Islam dan di Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan & Perlindungan Anak bersama beberapa Ormas Keagamaan Perempuan Lintas Agama tentang fenomena LGBT yang menghasilkan kesepakatan bahwa semua perwakilan Ormas Keagamaan menolak adanya pernikahan sejenis dan fenomena LGBT serta mengharapkan peran serta aktif PDSKJI untuk memberikan kajian berbasis riset tentang fenomena LGBT.
– Prioritas program kerja Pokdi Lintas Agama Seksi RSP adalah membuat pedoman/ panduan tatalaksana psikiatri berbasis religi & spiritualitas masing-masing pokdi lintas agama di Indonesia, yang juga berbasis pada kearifan lokal bangsa Indonesia.
Maka sebagai bentuk kontribusi Seksi RSP PDSKJI pada optimalisasi kesehatan jiwa individu LGBT menyatakan hasil telaah sbb:
– LGBT masuk dalam kategori ODMK (Orang Dengan Masalah Kesehatan Jiwa), yang merujuk pada terminologi ODMK pada UU No. 18 tahun 2014 tentang Kesehatan Jiwa.
– Membuat panduan tatalaksana promotif, preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitatif bagi individu LGBT dari perspektif religi, spiritualitas dan kearifan lokal bangsa Indonesia.
Demikian telaah dan kajian Seksi RSP PDSKJI, semoga Allah SWT meridhoi .
Jakarta, 5 Februari 2016
Ketua Seksi RSP PDSKJI
Dr. dr. Fidiansjah, SpKJ, MPH